Monday, April 12, 2010

Meet Tinley...

Tinley is our spokespet for the Paws for A Cause Dog Walk, which raises funds for the thousands of homeless animals that we help each year at the Peninsula SPCA. I spoke with Tinley's owner, Susan, to get to know the dog behind the fur.

Tinley is a very unique name, how did you come up with it?
I heard the name in a movie “Summer Catch” and said if I had a child I would name them that name, so when I got my four legged child, she was Tinley.

That's great! I love unique dog names, and we just had a discussion about that here on FB. So how old is Tinley and what kind of dog is she?
Tinley is a long coated German Sheppard. She will be 6 Sept. 28

Ah, I hear those dogs are pretty rare. I read that less than 10 percent of all German Sheppards are long haired, which explains why I didn't recognize her breed right away. She is beautiful and smart, I'm sure.
I think so, too! She is very protective of her home and family. When I let her out in the morning she will run perimeter of the yard to check it out before her sister, a chocolate lab named Mousse who is 15, comes out.

She looks out for her sister, what a good dog! So, what does Tinley do for fun?
Squeaky tennis balls are her favorite toy, and she loves her stuffed GSD animals. She always looks like she is hugging her stuffed animals on the bed. There is always one between her paws. She loves to go anywhere in the car with her mom and dad.

You can meet Tinley (and Susan), Sunday, May 16th, at Paws for A Cause at Riverview Farm Park in Newport News!

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