Monday, November 5, 2012

A spooky yet helpful Halloween article published in the Daily Press last week.

October 22, 2012
Leslie Magner
Community Outreach Coordinator, Peninsula SPCA
757-595-1399 ext 104

Newport News, VA- Keep your pets safe this Halloween season.  Halloween can be fun and festive for children however, it can be stressful and frightening for pets.  Scaredy cats have a right to be nervous around strange sounds, scents and people, especially in costumes.  Follow these Halloween pet safety tips and protect your pet. 
  • Keep your pets indoors on Halloween night, especially black cats.  Animals are at risk of animal cruelty by Halloween pranksters.
  • Spooky decorations and electrical lights are popular during the Halloween season. Exposed decorative wires are a serious hazard to pets.  If chewed, your pet could suffer cuts or burns, or possibly a life-threatening electrical shock.  Keep all wires undercover and out of reach.   
  • Carving pumpkins and Jack-O’- Lanterns are festive, but use caution if used with a lit candle.  Wagging tails or frightened cats could easily knock over pumpkins and start a fire, or risk suffering from a burn injury.
  • For many people “Halloween” translates into “candy.”  Candy is for trick-or-treaters, not four-legged pets.  Chocolate is very toxic & could be fatal.  Candies, gums, mints, baked goods and chocolate containing the "sugar free" sweetener xylitol are especially poisonous and fatal.  Fido and Sassy love their pet treats anyway.  The Peninsula Emergency Veterinary Clinic offers 24 hours/7 days a week emergency and critical care for pets.  Call 757-874-8115 immediately for emergency assistance. 
  • Cute pet costumes seem to be everywhere during Halloween, but be careful when choosing a costume for your pet.  Some pets are very uncomfortable wearing pet clothing causing discomfort and stress.  If he/she seems comfortable, make sure the costume does not limit the pet’s ability to breathe, hear, move or hinder his/her ability to bark or meow.   
  • Be aware of detachable objects hanging from costumes that he/she could possibly choke on.  Pets can chew and swallow an object causing an upset stomach and intestinal obstruction.  Also make sure the costume fits correctly and will not become twisted or caught by another object causing injury. 
  • Continuous doorbell ringing may cause anxiety.  Make sure to keep your pet in a safe room and this also prevents the pet from becoming lost by bolting out the door.
  • Can I see your ID?  Be sure to securely attach ID tags to your pets’ collar and microchip your pet to increase the chance to reunite with your furry family member.

Play it safe and Halloween can be a fun time for kids and pets.  If any acts of animal cruelty are seen or suspected, please call your local animal control, (757) 595-PETS (7387). 
Celebrate Howl-O-Ween with families, pets and The Peninsula SPCA at Poochapalooza this Saturday, October 27, 2012 from 1-4 p.m. at the Ridgeway Bark Park.
Have a safe and Happy Howl-O-ween!
For more information, contact Leslie Magner, Community Outreach Coordinator at 595-1399 ext 104 or