This weekend is supposed to be wild and windy with just a dash of hurricane rain thrown in. You've packed a bag, bought bottled water, and made sure you have enough food for several days in case the power goes out or you have to evacuate. But have you made sure that your pets will be safe?
Everyone should have a pet plan for disasters. We've all seen the heartbreaking pictures and videos of Katrina pets that were either left behind to weather the storm, or were wandering about lost because they no longer had a home to hide in. We don't want any of our beloved pets being left to fend for themselves.
Below is the Peninsula SPCA's Pet Checklist. Please read this plan and prepare for the worst-and make sure you keep your pets safe.
Pet Emergency Supply Kit Check List
Keep at least three days of food in an airtight waterproof container.
Store at least three days of water specifically for your pets.
-Medicines and medical records
Keep an extra supply of medicines your pet takes on a regular basis in a waterproof container.
-First aid kit
Most kits should include cotton bandage rolls, bandage tape and scissors; antibiotic ointment; flea and tick prevention; latex gloves, isopropyl alcohol and saline solution. Include a pet first aid reference book.
-Collar with ID Tag, harness, or leash
Your pet should wear a collar with its rabies tag and identification at all times. Include a backup leash, collar and ID tag in your pet’s emergency supply kit. Also, include copies of your pet’s registration information, adoption papers, vaccination documents and medical records in a clean plastic bag.
-Crate or other pet carrier
Provide a sturdy, safe, comfortable crate or carrier ready for transporting your pet. The carrier should be large enough for your pet to stand, turn around and lie down.
Include pet litter and litter box if appropriate, newspapers, paper towels, plastic trash bags and cleaner.
-A picture of you and your pet together
A picture of you and your pet together will help document ownership and allow others to assist you in identifying your pet. Include detailed information about species, breed, age, sex, color and distinguishing characteristics.
-Familiar Items
Put favorite toys, treats or bedding in your kit. Familiar items can help reduce stress for your pet.